
Tuesday, 8 March 2016

9 Things You Probably Did Not Know About Nigeria


Patriotic Nigerians all over the world, here are 9 things you probably did not know about your beloved country Nigeria. Although Nigeria is always the hot topic of the day, she has some interesting history and facts we should familiarize ourselves with.
Did you know that………………

1.Nigeria is home to seven percent (7%) of the total languages spoken on earth. Taraba state alone has more languages than 30 African countries.
2. The National Youth Service Corps was established by the decree No.24 of 22nd of May,1973, during the military regime of General Yakubu Gowon.

6 Interesting Things You Should Know About Ghana


Ghana is the gem of West Africa, it is a collision of rich and sorrowful history, culture and traditions. it is surrounded by beautiful neighbouring countries that are easy to access. Here is an overview of the particularities of this fascinating nation you have little or no knowledge about.

1. Origin of Name
Ghana has existed since medieval times. Its name comes from the former Ghana Empire of West Africa: “Ghana” was the title given to ruling kings.

Staying Profitable During Slow Seasons

SLOW seasons are a reality in the event planning business and for us event planners in Nigeria, that period of the year is now, the first quarter of the year and after the holiday season. There are not much events now and things appear quiet. The question then is, “what should you do to maximize the period?” and “what profitable things can be done now?”

Here are a few activities to make the “sabbatical leave” a time of charting a new course for your event planning business:

Staying Injury Free


Allowing The Knees To Go Forward During The Squat

THE squat is one of my favourite exercises. It can be layered to work many different muscles at the same time and should be on your exercise list.

However, when done incorrectly can very easily damage your knees and lower back.
When doing a squat the wrong way, the knees will move forward excessively towards the bottom of the motion.

This will leave the knees far in front of the toes, which should not happen, as it puts a lot of pressure directly on the knees.
When done right, the movement should be the same as going from a seated to standing position. This means that as you lower your body, the hips are pushed back, allowing the knees to stay fairly stationary behind the feet.

Stand in front of a chair or by a wall if you need something to hold onto for balance.  It may be more comfortable for you to spread your feet out.

Pitfalls Of Success Pride

Praying man at the altar. Image source erikbrewer
Praying man at the altar. Image source erikbrewer

A feeling of self-respect and personal worth. Satisfaction with your (or another’s) achievements. The trait of being spurred on by a dislike of falling below your standards. Unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins).

YOU know the scripture, which speaks about how pride goes before a fall. We all know it well really, but how rarely we think of ourselves as being proud.

Most times, you envision pride as having to be loud and pompous, but it is that pride that has been expertly hidden that is more dangerous.
Frankly, unless the Lord uncovers this deadly sin in your heart, you will live oblivious of it and wonder at your lack of grace.

